Demostina came thru to the studio to paint a picture for the new video :) If you don't know about Demo, find out! She is an amazing painter and emcee from Washington Heights by way of the Dominican Republic. It was truly an honor working with her and watching her work her magic! Thanks Demo, for lending your amazing talent to this project!
Meanwhile on the other end of the studio...

I was doing some test shots for the launch of my little accessory line "GO COSMIC!"
I started making these earrings to perform in because all my other earrings were slapping me in the face during shows *no bueno*. These earrings are sculpted out of water paper and are super light, but still have that Cosmic Glam that I so love! People would ask me about them every time I wore them out. In every town, on every train, plane or bus. So...the business lady in me said hmmmmm....let's see what happens if we slang these joints! For 1 year, I sold them in a little boutique in Brooklyn called Not Just Vintage and before you know it, I'm seeing ladies walking down the street in my earrings (and earning a little extra $) Now, to reach demand, I will be opening an online store in the coming weeks *yay* hence the need/excuse for me to take hella pics!

I played around with the "Polaroid"...

Lots of work and work in progress! I'm loving life and all that I do! I hope you feel the same! Until next time! GO COSMIC!!!