Tuesday, December 9, 2008

The Breakup (cuz some days these city lights is too much)

To be honest, I've simply fallen out of love with you. I remember how things used to be... I was in awe of your greatness. Thought no one was better than you. Gave up my own home to make a home with you. But you never treated me right. You never loved me, though you taught me so much. You are so cold...and then so hot. I never really get to enjoy you like I should. I believed, once, in the dream of you. But I have woke up now! And even though, you are spewing with clubs that offer free liquor, i'm feeling like, I can't drink like that forever... Is this really all that your'e about? So shallow, yet so overwhelming, like a faux homie,you are so overratted, with your high rent prices, tiny apartments that we share with mice, unattentive landlords. I just can't take it anymore, so i'm leaving. Not sure if i'm coming back. I need the sun, heat, some time in the mountains and at the beach. I need my roots right now, not your brick walls and stinky bummy trains. So consider this,our first official split, where you and all that you are made of, are out of sight, and out of mind.

1 comment:

Serubiri Moses said...

i gave up on that artistic dream, one million records sold coz that's not what i want. i want to see my mother smile and say my voice, my vision changed her life. i want to hear my brothers say yes; that fonktion opened our eyes.

when i write i want to write for life, for death, and for love. i dont want no bestseller, all it is i want is to see my mother smile and say my voice, my vision changed her life. i want to hear my brothers say yes; Amil you make perfect sense.